Primavista enables you to to build up project budgets regardless the fiscal year and to continuosly control their accuracy by closely monitoring actual project inputs and their costs.
Most reporting and budgeting systems deal with the time horizon of one fiscal year. Primavista can be effectively placed on top of e.g. accounting systems and ERP-systems in order to combine the information they produce and to provide this information flexibly from multiple angles. This includes monitoring and planning the whole life span of single projects, even over several years.
Primavista is an efficient and effective tool for the financial planning and monitoring of projects. The monitoring of actual inputs – working hours, materials’ purchases, subcontracting – can be done with short time lags by, for example, reporting daily key figures. This boosts the organization´s ability to react: Corrective measures can be taken while they still have an effect on the project´s profitability.
The easy to learn Primavista modules make it possible to extend this steering system to project managers themselves. Thus, they can quickly monitor their own projects in great detail. This provides them with the information to act in a timely manner.
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